Zoran Lakić was born on 31 October 1933 at the Durmitor plateau, where his father worked as a teacher. He started the primary school in Pljevlja, and finished it in Danilovgrad – his hometown. Higher Gymnasiym, as then was called comprehensive school, he finished in Nikšić, a town with recognized tradition in education. He enrolled the Faculty in Belgrade, in 1952, which was the major university center of Yugoslavia.
His first working experience was in the Archive of CK of Montenegro. After half a year it was adhered to the Historical institute of Montenegro. That’s how his scientific-research carrier started, and the first professional successes came in his field. In the Historical institute he has published his first books in 1958. After defending the PhD thesis in Belgrade in 1973, he worked for a period in the Ministry for education, science and culture of the time, in charged for the section of culture and science. The greatest part of his working engagement he spent as university professor at the Faculty of Philosophy in Nikšić– helding the position of full professor for the subject History of Yugoslavia. For a while he held part-time courses at the postgraduate studies in Sarajevo and Priština. He terminated his teaching carrier in 2000, by being elected to the title of professor emeritus.
His scientific-research work was continuous and intense. Bibliography of his works contains over 1.300 items. Among them, there are nearly 30 special editions. We will list only those most significant: People’s power in Montenegro (1981), National-liberation struggle in Montenegro 1941-1945 (1963), Essays from the history of Yugoslavia (1999), Partisan autonomy of Sandzak (1992), Montenegrin War Parliament (2003), Montenegrin historical themes (2001), Time, Science, Politics (2005), Dialogue in Historiography (2008), Corses of History of Montenegro (2011), Montenegro in the historiographical books (2012), From day to day – a Year (2013), History and historiography (1992 and 1997).
He received the highests recognitions in Montenegro – prize Oktoih, and in Yugoslavia – Award of 4th July, and other international acknowledgements. He was the guest and teacher in Toronto, Moscow, Paris, Jerusalim, Berlin, Athens, Sofia, Bucharest and all the major university centers of ex-Yugoslavia. Some of his papers have been translated into world leading languages. Till recently he was the most translated historian of Montenegro in Macedonia and Slovenia.
Twenty years ago he was elected to the membership of MASA – as an associate member. For one mandate he acted as a member of the Academy Presidium, being the Secretary of the Social Sciences Department, and the editor of the Glasnik of the Department.
Now retired, he lives in Podgorica, Blaza Jovanovica 25.